We are the leading Internship agency In Denmark for International students

Denmark Internship agency For Foreigners in Copenhagen

Our company are capable to supply your company in Denmark, all type of Young Talented Interns from across the globe for internship as per Denmark immigration law. details are below.


The Green Sector

Age of Young Professionals

At least 18 years old but below 30 while applying for internships.

Language of Young Professionals

All our young professionals in the green sector, categorized into the three groups below, possess one of the language proficiency levels compliant with Danish immigration law.

  • Young professionals have passed a language test in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German at A2-level or higher according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • For English language tests offered by IELTS, we accept test scores from 3.0.
  • For English language tests offered by TOEFL, we accept test scores at Studieprøven level (C1 CEFR level).

Educational Qualification – We offer talented young professionals from around the world who have recently graduated with bachelor’s degrees in horticulture or forestry from prestigious universities in their home countries.

The Healthcare Sector

Age of Young Professionals

Minimum age will be 18 years and needs to be below 35 years (not for medical intern).

Educational Qualification –

Gobester.com/dk is the best staffing agency in Denmark for foreigners for supplying international young professionals in Denmark.  We provide skilled healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses, from around the globe who have completed their bachelor’s degrees at prestigious universities from young professionals’ home country. In your Denmark-based company, you can effortlessly hire skilled young professionals from us to meet your specific requirements. We have the best immigration lawyers in Denmark who can make legal documentations for the young professionals, making it easier for your company to hire them.



Age of Young Professionals

between 18 years old but cannot turn 35 years old at the time of applying.

Education –

We offer talented young professionals from around the world for internships, currently pursuing bachelor’s degrees in architecture from prestigious universities.

Hospitality Sector

In accordance with Danish immigration laws, we can provide young professionals as interns for your Danish company for a period of 6 to 12 months. As per Denmark immigration law, in the hospitality sector, internships are available for the following roles:

  • Trainee Chef
  • Housekeeping
  • F&B Services
  • Bartender
  • Front Office

Age of Young Professionals

According to Danish Immigration Law, the age of all non-European recent graduate students should not be more than 30 years. Being the top HR agency in Denmark, we provide you young talented professionals from across the globe who can come to Denmark as per immigration law for the internships in your company for a period up to 6 to 12 months.

Education – We provide you skilled professionals from around the world who are either pursuing their bachelor’s degrees in hospitality or have already graduated from renowned universities.

Language – Excellent English proficiency is mandatory. Knowledge of Danish is a plus.

Accommodation – Under Danish immigration law, employers hiring non-European young professionals, must provide them with accommodation. If you encounter challenges fulfilling this requirement, our team is here to assist you.

Salary –  Salaries are determined based on job title, educational qualifications, and work experience, with an emphasis on providing fair wages as per Denmark Labor Law.

As Denmark leading international Internship agency, we specialize in connecting International talented young professionals with Danish companies seeking skilled trainees. Partnering with the top immigration lawyers in Denmark, we ensure a smooth hiring process by managing all legal documentation. Let us Support you seamlessly onboard the best interns to elevate your company’s success in Denmark.